Barn Animals Spotted!

One of the best part of road trips is all the neat things you see while gazing out the window. My favorite thing to see whale gazing out the window is...animals!!!

Here are some adorable creatures I saw while in a car, slowly rolling by their happy farm home. 

The animals all seemed pretty content, living their best lives under the sunny skies of California. It would be an interesting life, being one of these animals living beside the road. You'd always have different people to look at and different people looking at you. Probably, the farm animals wonder about the people, just like we wonder about them.

It probably be interesting living on this farm too. Probably it has been an old family farm for years. When it was first built, there were probably no homes miles around. But, the surrounding suburbs slowly encroached closer and closer until a road was built and their secret family farm was revealed.

When I was young I heard a superstition that white horses spotted in roadside farms are good luck. I see three counts of good luck in that last picture!

The most interesting animal I've seen on the side of the road was a camel, then a llama. Llamas aren't that rare...but they are so cool! Llama's are gentle natured creatures. Unlike most animals, llamas don't bite if they are scared or angry, instead they resort to good old fashioned spitting. But they are stubborn. If given too much weight to carry, instead of pushing themselves beyond their comfort zone, they lie down and refuse to move. It is actually admirable. Everyone should know when to say 'nope.' (llama facts found HERE.)

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