Happy National Cat Day: The Cats March Toward Sunlight

The cats march toward sunlight
streaming through the window.
The sunlight sticks in their fur.
The sunlight stops the furrow of their brows
relaxes their muscles and minds.

Here is a little illustration in honor of National Cat Day:

She never stretched before she got the cats. But then they came to her. One by one. The first one from beneath the dumpster with mud and grime caked to its fur. The second one trapped in a fence with frightened eyes. She nursed them both back to health. Adding pounds to their bones, cushions of fat under their skin. She sat with them and nurtured them and taught them the value of human friendship. In return, they taught her to stretch. They taught her to stretch her heart, to stretch her mind and to just plain stretch the way a cat does on a sunny afternoon.

Here is a picture of my two cats, doing what they do best: lounging like gleaming gods in the sun.

Happy National Cat Day Mue Mue, Wendel and all the cats of the world! 

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