Oscar's Adventure at the Pumpkin Patch: Happy Halloween Edition

The Pumpkin patch with the farm animals that I went to didn't allow dogs. It makes sense. It probably already is nerve-wracking for the farm animals to be looked at by a bunch of overly enthusiastic children (and overly enthusiastic me), having strange dogs with their canine teeth roaming around might just be too much.

But luckily, there are other pumpkin patches that do allow our doggy friends! Mosby Farm in Auburn is a cute little pumpkin patch where dogs are welcome!

Oscar, however may wish he wasn't allowed as he is a bit of a wimp when it comes to rain. But fashioned in his dapper yellow rain jacket, he can at least stay slightly dry. 

What could Oscar be contemplating? The meaning of life? The futility of existence? or maybe which pumpkin to choose. There are so many pumpkin options, after all! It is not a decision to be taken lightly.  

It looks like Oscar has chosen his pumpkin. He stares straight at it, as if saying 'you shall be mine!' The real disappointment will come later when he realizes fuzzy paws are incapable of holding pumpkin carving tools.

But alas, we couldn't take Oscar's first choice pumpkin home after all. A little snail had already claimed it as it's own.

Luckily, there were a lot of pumpkins to choose from not claimed by tiny snails.

Something about being outside on a rainy day surrounded by mud and orange orbs really brings the introspective side out of Oscar. Here he is again deep-thinking.

Oscar is such a good dog and will patiently indulge in human goofiness if it brings a smile to our faces.

He finds our humor a tad pedestrian, but if it truly makes us happy, he'll reluctantly pose as a pumpkin or a ghost.

Oscar says, "I ventured the pumpkin patch and all i got was this rain soaked face........

......oh, and I guess also a bunch of pumpkins!"

Happy Halloween!!!

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