Oscar Encounters the Statues

On our walk in the Chinese garden, Oscar encountered some sculptures he did not like one bit. He eyed them suspiciously before deciding with much vehemency that they were not to be trusted. The taller one had a menacing expression on his face, the shorter one looked shady as heck.

Sure, if looked at in certain light, the two sculpture men's expression could be described as alight with a slight grin. But what sort of weirdo's stand perfectly still and just grin? Maniacal weirdos, that's who! Oscar decided these two broad chested, unnervingly still men were just not to be trusted.

He's not the type of dog that will just let people act creepy with out reproach. After all, it is his responsibility as a dog to call out distrustful behavior when he sees it. So he looked straight at the statues and let out a series of furious barks. "I'm looking right back at you!" his barks said "don't you even dare try any funny business!"

Afterwards when we walked away from these two perfectly still creepazoids, Oscar felt much relieved. "Few" he must of thought, "We dodged that one! And all thanks to me!"

This isn't the first time that Oscar has had to bark at an unnervingly still person. Last Winter, he had to boldly tell some creepy little dude to 'Watch it!' The little man was quite strange, with three bulbous segments and a crooked head. He stood in the park and just his posture looked absolutely disturbing. What sort of lunatic stands in the middle of the park and just unabashedly stares at every passer by? Apparently, this weirdo:

Oscar wasn't having it. Being a snowman is no excuse for being a creep. He barked at that snowman so the cold little dude wouldn't get any ideas. That snowman sure knew not to mess with Oscar!

There's never rest for a trusty dog like Oscar. He's on duty, letting the world know he may be cute, but he's not afraid to speak his mind! 

A Hike in the Country


Ashley's Heart