Oscar Rules the Plant Sale with His Cuteness

Oscar went with us on a sniffing adventure at the Seattle Chinese Garden and afterward we went to a plant sale by the greenhouse attached to the garden. Sales of the plants helped fund the Chinese Garden.

Never before has Oscar been so popular as he was when he walked into that plant sale. He is pretty much the cutest dog in the world, so I am always a bit flummoxed to why he isn't constantly showered with praise on his cuteness, his utter adorableness, his charm and endearing nature. But alas, he just gets the normal amount of phrase for being a cute dog. But not at the plant sale. Everyone that was there was in awe of him. I wasn't even sure he'd be allowed in the plant sale premises, but that fear I quickly stowed away because basically as soon as he entered he was greeted with oohs and ahhs.

One lady that worked at the sale was his biggest fan. She was definitely an animal lady and had pockets full of dog treats. Oscar watched with wide eyed delight as the lady's hand kept slipping into her pockets and emerging with another treat. After a while, I started to get a little nervous on Oscar's digestive system's behalf and had to put a stop to the abundant treat dispensing.

A couple of other women grouped around him and chuckled and pet the top of his scruffy head. Once Oscar gets a treat, he has great expectations for more and more and more. So at this point, he was looking at everyone with anticipation that they may give him a treat. This probably helped him with making friends. His I-want-treats expression is about the most adorable expression he has in his arsenal of adorable expressions. Big old eyes, soulfulness turned up full notch, with just the right amount of pitiful but endearing pleading flickering in those big brown orbs. His ears are perked, his brow furrowed with concentration. It's pretty hard to say no to him with this expression on his face. How well he manipulates without even really meaning too.

Another woman asked with wide eyed wonder what type of dog he is. I am pretty proud of my Oscar's mutt status and rattled off the variety of unexpected breeds he's a mix of. My scruffy guy really is a true -blue mutt! Mixed breeds really are my favorite.

Another woman, who I think saw the treat lady's liberal sharing of treats, eagerly escorted us to a water bowl where Oscar could wash down his treats with thirsty gulps of water.

Basically, as soon as Oscar walked into that plant sale, he was the little king! I of course loved it. I love when people see so easily that my animals are precious and wonderful.

Sometimes Oscar and I go on walks with a friend of mine and her cute little mini Aussie. Whenever we go out, everyone that see's my friends little aussie is enamored. "Ohhhhh! What a pretty dog!" They declare with dewy eyes staring at, not my Oscar, but my friends mini Aussie. "She's so adorable!" they say, melting under her affable gaze. She is an extremely cute and charming dog, but I am always a little confused why no one is looking right next to my friends sweet dog at Ozzie!.... The cutest dog that ever existed! When I was at the plant sale with Oscar's legions of adoring fans, I thought, 'This is what my friend must feel like every day!'


Seattle Chinese Garden, Part One: The Structures


Roberta's Heart