Roberta's Heart

Great joy is found in following the heart's whims. 

Roberta's Heart:

1. Bird watching: Natures most admirable little hollow boned wonders. The ability to fly. The inventiveness to build nests. The talent to create lovely songs. The beauty to dazzle with shimmering color. They are creatures well worth watching.
2. Sunflowers: Flowers are suppose to be small and dainty but sunflowers are strong while still being so beautiful.
3. Mushroom foraging: Wondrous organisms that aren't quite plants, bursting spores and shooting up from muddy grounds.
4. Skateboarding: The vibrations of wheels clattering against sidewalk. The joy of zooming down hills.
5. Pie baking: The meditation of mixing dough and shaping it with your hands. The delicious taste of baked fruit and crust.
6. Her pet goldfish: fluttering and swishing around in his round bowl.
7. Playing the accordion: Connected to different people and different worlds through a song on the accordion. 
8. Vegetables: Nature has created wondrous foods for humans to thrive one. 
9. Cherries: Sweet treats! 
10. Apple: Crunchy treats! 
11. Her dog: The sweetest and most wonderful of all friends. 
12. Painting: A  way to create worlds of your own imagination.
13. Reading: A way to visit worlds of other's imagination. 
14. Photography: A way to capture a world so wondrous it defies imagination.
15. Football: Rough, strategic, exhilarating!
16. Chess: Tough, strategic, exhilarating!  
17. Fortune reading: The future is a mystery but mysteries are meant to be solved!

Oscar Rules the Plant Sale with His Cuteness


A Hike in the Country