Shrinking Violet Stevie

Hiding in the meadow 
behind the longest strains of grass.
Hiding in the barn
behind the longest lengths
of horse hair. 

Stevie is shy. She's has always been that way since she was a wee little girl. Her mother use to call her Stevie her Dear Shrinking Violet. She's okay being shy though. It's just the way she is. Stevie needs to observe the world before she feels the burst of confidence she needs to properly interact with it. She's found her coping mechanism: hiding. Whenever she is in a new situation, first she hides and observes. Once she's got a handle on everything around her, she tentatively emerges from her hiding spot, smiles big and embraces the challenge ahead of her. 

Spooky Scenes from the Aquarium


Fall Foliage Festival Part Two: Individual Plants!