Prepared Squirrels

From my back window, I get to observe the squirrels preparing for winter.

The squirrels like this walnut tree. It is basically their winter buffet. They climb the trunk and explore the different branch pathways, finding the last remains of walnuts dangling from the branches.

After the squirrels collect a walnut, they sometimes crouch in the tree an nibble upon their treat.

Other times they descend to the ground and find places to bury their treasures, so later on, when the winter has turned the world cold and lifeless, they have ways to sustain themselves.

The squirrels use both their little squirrel mouths and nimble squirrel hands to handle their bounty.

Squirrels definitely seem to have a different relationship with gravity than we do. Dashing up tall trees and balancing on thin tree branches is no big thing to the squirrel folk of the world.

To us, these look like rotten nuts. To squirrels, they look like beautiful morsels, delicious treasures, that which will sustain them when the world is at it's bleakest.

There are four squirrels that use the walnut tree. The way they interact, I think they are all friends or family.

I'm not the only one who likes to observe the squirrels. Oscar enjoys this pastime too. We have different ways of going about our squirrel observation though. I sit quietly on the steps of the back stairs watching with wide-eyed admiration. Oscar dashes full speed toward the sound of the squirrels clicking their teeth against the walnuts. He lets out at a furious chorus of barks and runs back and forth along the fence, sometimes jumping up on the fence so his paws are pressing against it. He looks up, his big brown eyes full of hungry curiosity. Luckily, the squirrels are brave and bold and have a slightly sadistic side that leads them to enjoy Oscars futile attempts to catch them. They are just as unfazed by my method of observing them as Oscars. They may even prefer Oscar's method, as it gives them the opportunity to gloat from high up in their tree.

There is another squirrel who lives in the neighborhood but doesn't use the backyard tree as his food source. He's a tough squirrel who is missing his tail except for a very short tuft fluffing from his rear. I hadn't seen him for a long time and was worried Lil' Tough Guy was no longer. But he is alive and well! I had a recent sighting. I feel like these pampered squirrels are probably intimidated by Lil' Tough Guy and his rag-tag appearance. The walnut tree squirrels have got their happy commune of hippie squirrels spouting love and peace and sharing of the bounty, while Lil' Tough Guy needs to look out for Lil' Tough Guy, because if he doesn't' who will!?

For a while, these peaceful squirrels also had a bit of a criminal streak. They were trying to steal the bounty of our garden. I'm glad they turned their focus to the walnut tree instead.

Life as a fluffy tailed squirrel must be an interesting life indeed! I'm glad I get to observe these little fellows as they prepare for the winter.


An Autumnretum at the Arboretum, Part One: The Colorful Foliage


Color Creature