The Miniature Desert

An afternoon walk
leads to strange places-
an abandoned lot with long shadows
a secret pathway with strange smells
and a miniature desert
where the sun is so hot
the cactus prickle and gleam
the coyote calls to the sky.

While taking an afternoon walk, young Thea found the most interesting of discoveries. Just on the outskirts of her neighborhood was a tiny little desert. Everything was in miniature, the cactus were small, the wild boar were small, the coyote was small, the sand was even smaller than the sand we are accustomed too. She spent hours in the little desert, gently walking around, crouching down to exam the tiny desert beauties. She vowed to come back the next day with a magnifying glass so she could see everything with even more clarity. But, when she returned the way she had come the day prior, nothing was there except another suburban street. 

Notable Animals: Elm Farm Ollie


Chinatown, SF: A Beautiful Place to Explore