Book Review: Freida Klein Novels by Nicci French

I love getting into series of books because it is so much easier to get immersed into a world of a series when you get to keep revisiting the world. The characters start to feel all the more real and delightful too. I especially love to get caught up in mystery series! And I especially love to get caught up in these mystery's via audio books! I've read and listened to many good mystery series over the years, but the current series I've been reading/listening to is Nicci French's Frieda Klein books.

I don't know how this became a big mystery writer thing, but like many a mystery novelist before, Nicci French chose a 'theme,' in this case 'days of the week' and each book is named after or themed after a different day. We've seen this done before with letters and numbers. Someone was bound to choose days.  The first book in the series is called 'Blue Monday.'

Frieda Klein is a no-nonsense but very compassionate psychotherapist with a penchant for solving criminal cases. There is a lot I like about the Frieda Klein mystery books, but mostly, I like Frieda. I think there is a reason I am always drawn to reading mystery books, besides the obvious of loving a good page turner! When women are the main characters in mystery books, they are more often than not written as strong, smart, capable characters. There are so many writers who still write flat or cliched female characters. But what shows strength, gusto and competence more than solving a hardened criminal case?  Frieda is definitely an example of an admirable woman mystery solver! She is intelligent, emphatic, thoughtful, and kind but stands up for herself. She doesn't feel the need to be anybody but herself.

All of the supporting characters are also interesting and multidimensional. Frieda, although a private and independent person, has a core group of friends who she cares deeply about and care deeply about her. These include her spirited and nonconformist niece Chloe, here former psychologist and now great friend Ruben, a gentle hearted fix it up man from Ukraine named Josef, and a police detective named Karlsson who has an especially soft spot for Frieda, among other characters. The array of characters adds to the strength of the novels, as the readers cares about each individual person.

Each Frieda Klein novel follows it's own mystery, but while also engaging with an overarching mystery involving a shady psychopath! I don't want to get too much into this story line as elements from the earlier books will be spoiled if I do so. Each books plot is engaging and sprinkled with surprises and twists that are fun and delightful!

For an engaging series with well created characters, plot twisting surprises and fun mysteries, I definitely recommend the Frieda Klein series! 

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