Elephant Nanny

The protective friend
shields from the rain 
and sun
and sleet
and lets you sleep in the dreams
of make believe worlds
flickering on a screen. 

The family couldn't afford a nanny so they instead hired an elephant. The elephant kept the child safe the best he could. They went to the park together, the child sitting a top the elephant. He would use his long trunk to push the child on the swings. If the child got stop on top of the jungle gym, the elephant would gently grab him using his long trunk. Sometimes the child would beg to watch cartoons, but his parents insisted he get as much outdoor time as possible. So the elephant would get out an umbrella and shield the child from the sun or the rain while he watched all his favorite shows in the great outdoors. 

Notable Animals: Ming the Clam


Book Review: Freida Klein Novels by Nicci French