Notable Animals: Jimmy the Raven

Sometimes he was mistaken as another corvid and called Jimmy the Crow. But Jimmy wasn't a crow. He was a sleek and majestic raven. He was born in the Mojave desert, but desert life would not be his fate. He was destined instead for stardom. When he was just a little baby raven opening his mouth wide for his mother's worms and caw, caw, cawing for her nurture, he had not idea that he would someday become an influential bird in the entertainment industry.

Jimmy's life started out somewhat traumatically. He was kidnapped away from the comfort of his mothers nest and his bleating siblings by a Hollywood animal trainer who may have loved animals, but didn't necessarily respect their right to a natural life. Luckily, Jimmy was able to forgive his kidnapper and form a bond with him that led to Jimmy learning a number of amazing tricks. He knew how to type, open letters and even ride a miniature motorcycle. He also had a firm grasp on the English language, at least for a non-native speaker like a bird.

His ability to learn tricks at such ease paved the way for him to a career in Hollywood. He was in over 1000 films between the thirties and the fifties. He was dapper and dashing, small dark and handsome. His sleek and distinct look was certain to thrive under the gleaming spotlights of Hollywood.

One of his most famous roles was that of 'crow who lands on scarecrow' in the Wizard of oz. In a film all about magic and wonder, Jimmy the Raven was the true wonder! He was a bird who learned to adapt to humans. He graced the humans in his life with his clever animal magic.

Another one of Jimmy's big roles was in 'It's a Wonderful Life.' He starred aside another famous Jimmy: Jimmy Stewart. While working on the set together, if someone called 'Jimmy' both Jimmy's would whip their head around and respond to the call. Jimmy and Jimmy, the two stars of 'Its a Wonderful Life.'

What would Jimmy's life had been like if he hadn't been whisked away to star in Hollywood? Would have he been an exceptionally intelligent raven bored out of his mind by the mundane world of birds, or are all ravens as intelligent as Jimmy? Likely, Jimmy would have loved his life of soaring free under the hot desert sun and feasting upon heat-drenched carcasses. More and more evidence is showing us that ravens are naturally exceptionally intelligent animals. In the wild, they've been known to push rocks onto people climbing trees toward their nests. A raven was observed playing 'dead' next to a dead beaver, so that other ravens that flew by didn't stop to eat the carcass feast. They've stolen fish by pulling a fishermen line out of ice holes. The more we observe animals, the more they show us how miraculous and awe-inspiring they are. Ravens can amaze us the way sweet Jimmy the Raven did by learning our world and by becoming a part of our world. But they are just as amazing within the realms of their own world. Jimmy the Raven was one inspiring raven in a world full of inspiring ravens.

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