Walrus Tea

Cold nights in the arctic
call for scarves
and hot tea. 

Edith was walking along the icy tundra of the arctic feeling the cold all around her. She had prepared for the walk with warm clothing: a coat, boots, mittens, a hat and a scarf....but still, she felt that icy cold wrapping around her and seeping past her skin to cling to her bones. Just when she thought she couldn't handle it any more, she came across a friendly walrus with steaming tea to offer Edith. Edith clasped a mug of the warm tea in her hands and gratefully drank it. While she sipped on the tea, the walrus told Edith stories of the walrus realm. Underneath the icy shores was a kingdom where all the walrus's visited. There was a tower made of the tusks of their ancestors. The swam into the tower and were surrounded by lavish beauty and luxuries. Inside the walrus tower it was warm and dry and their were feathered beds with canopies and delicious foods such as fine cakes and pies. While the walrus told the story and Edith sipped upon the tea, she began to feel a strange tingling sensation. She tried to ignore it. But it remained with her even as she went home and fell asleep. Late in the evening, she woke up and felt completely different. That's when she realized, she was a walrus. Her blubber hung off the bed, her tusks had pierced her pillows. There was only one thing to do, waddle out of her home and go find the Walrus Kingdom. 

Notable Animals: Jimmy the Raven


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