The Sharp Shooters Explore The Olympic Sculpture Park

The Olympic Sculpture Park is a beautiful place to visit, mingling two wonderful things: art and outdoors! Those who visit the Olympic Sculpture Park get to meander around, looking at the art and looking at lovely, glistening Puget Sound. My friend and I went for a meeting of our photo club, The Sharp Shooters. 

A shimmering, metal tree gleams with shiny abundance in the sunshine.

Two little dogs meet as an artist paints another artists work, along with the blue, blue blue of the water.

White berries grow in distorted orbs, like little organic sculptural pieces from nature.

Two men look on with confusion. Art and nature can be both illuminating and confusing simultaneously.

 The city is a sculpture in itself.

The desire to touch can be so overwhelming, and even more so when told not to. Must resist for art's sake.

After wandering through the sculpture garden, sometimes the best thing to do is to just stare out to sea and take it all in while pondering the powerful experience of viewing art.

A sculpture that uses light and space and color to make it's own little world. This was an accidental picture, but unintended glimpses offer new perspectives.

A man takes a nap in a peaceful spot. Probably, the shadows of the sculptures creep into his dream and he wanders a magical realm of living sculptures.

 and this, and that, and the world is full of ands.

Bicyclists meet at the little beach next to the sculpture garden. I imagine they are in a bicycling and art enthusiasts group where they ride their bike to different art themed adventures such as to art walks or to the museum or to galleries. Maybe they even sometimes meet to work on art together.

A huge head! Giving us all a glimpse of what it would be like to live in a world of giants.

Waterfall sculpture of man and son.

Accidental art- a red balloon drifts across a blue sky.

In this chaotic and often dreary world we live in, it is sometimes crucial for us to step back and just immerse ourselves in the joy of experiencing art. It revitalizes us to face the parts of our world that are more difficult. 

Walrus Tea


Notable Animals: Ming the Clam