Polly Goes Ghost Hunting

Here is an illustration I did recently:

Polly and her pet cat Ashley are on a mission....a mission to prove the existence of ghosts! Polly has known for a long time that ghosts are real. When she was younger, she had an 'invisible friend' who she eventually learned was actually the ghost of a child who perished in a house fire in the 1800's. Another time when visiting her grandma, her grandpa was also there, even though he'd been dead three whole years. Once she was at a site of an old battlefield, she saw the ghosts of several bedraggled young men limping across the field.

Ashley knew ghosts exited too. All cats are equipped with this knowledge. Cats see ghosts everywhere!

So the two of them set out together equipped with a flashlight and intrepid sense of adventure. They went to a nearby cemetery and before they even entered the grounds they felt a presence. All around them it seemed as if ghosts were watching them! Then she saw them! Three ghosts, wriggling and shimmering and shimmying right in front of her. Ashley hissed. Polly gasped. And then Polly remembered, she had forgotten her camera. So much for proving the existence of ghosts to the entire world. Well, at least during this ghost hunting adventure. 

Walking in San Francisco Part Three: The Strange Fountain


Walking in San Francisco Part Two: Colors