Walking in San Francisco Part Three: The Strange Fountain

The walk along the streets of San Francisco led to a most peculiar fountain called the Vaillancourt Fountain. It is an interesting fountain with the many different square tubes spitting out greenish water

This fountain is controversial. A lot of people think it's ugly and would rather it not exist. Also, it costs quite a bit to operate. But, I like it. It is an interesting work of art and I had fun walking around it and exploring the different angles sides.

It looks like it would be fun to go splash and play in the fountain, but it's not that kind of fountain. Probably not the artists intention-but all the twisting tubes remind me of water slides! Imagine a work of public art that doubled as water slides that the public could use...now that would be some sculpture.

This sculpture reminds me of something that would be found in one of the harder levels of Sonic the Hedgehog. Sonic would have to jump around the different angles and if the green water touched him he'd loose all his rings.

There is something about this sculpture that looks like it would be a good setting for a movie about a group of post apocalyptic cyber punks. There would be a group of rough and tumbly punk kids that would hang out here during the day before the sun set and all the mutants came slinking out of the sewers and also slinking out of the fountains square tubes.

Someone decided to make a home away from home at the fountain, with a houseplant and their luggage. Maybe they are a travelling poet going to all the public fountains in as many cities as possible and writing poems about each one. 

Behind the scenes at the fountain: It is always interesting to see the parts of public displays that are not really as intended for the public eye. 

Finding interesting pieces of public art to examine and explore is just one of the many great parts of city adventures! The Valliancourt Fountain was especially interesting to behold due to the strangeness and vastness of the sculpture. I'm glad I got to see it. 

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