The Little Adventurer Grows a Vegetable Garden to Feed All the Rabbits of the Hilltop Warren

I recently finished a set of five illustrations for my daughter. This is one of the illustrations called 'The Little Adventurer Grows a Vegetable Garden to Feed All the Rabbits of the Hilltop Warren.' 

Usually when I create illustrations, I like to make very short stories to accompany the illustrations. But for this set of illustrations, I'm not going to make any story up using words beyond the titles. This is because when I made these pictures, I really wanted the viewer (my daughter in particular but really whoever the viewer may be) to be the one to really make up the story. I love making up stories about the art I see, and I want to create art that invites the viewer to do the same! 


Walking in San Francisco Part Four: The Buildings!


Walking in San Francisco Part Three: The Strange Fountain