Claudia Plays Music for the Tide Pool Creatures

Here is an illustration I did recently.

When Claudia got the portable record player from her great aunts old, dusty attic, she knew it was time to share her favorite songs with those who would normally not be able to hear them. She first went to the park and played a song for the squirrels. It was a new song from France that was full of pop beats and cheerful words in a language unknown to both Claudia and the squirrels. She went to her neighbors beehives and played a song for the honey bees. It was a melodic song that inspired concentration and contemplation, just what honeybees need. Then she went to the ocean to play songs for the seagulls and the creatures living in the tide pools. It was an old song that use to be sung in speak easy's to free-wheeling youngsters with a zest for life. The starfish wiggled their legs. The seagulls rustled their feathers. The crabs bobbed their heads.

While at home, Claudia wen through her record collection listening to song after song. In a notebook, she wrote the songs that most inspired her and next to that, she wrote who she wanted to share each song with. A youthful song about the joys of living that she wanted to play for all the tired grandmothers and grandfathers at the old person's home. A peppy beat to play for the children playing skip rope on the sidewalk in front of the grocers. A mellow and slightly mournful song to play for the goldfish waiting for homes at the pet store. A chaotic song for the leaves blowing in the trees. A silly song to play for the strangers waiting at the red light.

Claudia thought there were so many amazing songs and so many out there who deserved to hear them. All she wanted to do ever was listen and share. 

Little Park for Little Creatures


Book Review: The Next to Die by Sophie Hannah