Little Park for Little Creatures

At work, we sometimes get little mice that sneak into the building and try to make a life for themselves. But despite their desire, it is no place for a mouse to make a home. We have no kill mouse traps where the mice are lured into the trap by something delicious (we use peanut butter usually) and then as they hop in and grab the food, the door slams behind them. Probably, to the poor little mouse, it seems as if something sinister and terrifying might happen, but luckily the mouses worst premonitions are not true, because all that happens is a little relocation. 

We have a little park near work, so we take the mice there. It's a beautiful little park, nuzzled away between a quiet industrial area, providing a glimpse of beauty amongst the functionality of industry. 

A little mouse could make its home in a hole dug underneath these flowers. Then he could pop up in the morning and the first thing he'd see would be bright yellow blooms. 

A mouse could scamper over to the shipping containers too look for food or to hitch a ride to a foreign country by becoming a stowaway within the container.

A mouse living at this park could have a picnic with his friend and quite enjoy the beautiful view.

A mouse could hide quite nicely in the gaps between the rocks. He could look up and feel safe and snug as predator birds soared in the sky above.

A mouse could pick a bouquet of flowers, or instead, nibble on some flowers.

A mouse could try to befriend a goose.

Yes, a mouse could really enjoy life at this little park.


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