My Reading Buddy

Reason 3052 that having a pet is the best: you'll always have a reading buddy. My sweet mutt Oscar is always down for lounging while I'm reading.

I always wonder what animals think we are doing when we are reading. At least when we are watching TV, they can see that there are moving pictures and sound coming from the screen, so they probably get it to some extent. But in their eyes we must look odd just staring down at paper. They must think, boy humans can be boring sometimes.

Can't tell from the picture, but we are in a hammock together! Top notch reading spot.
Cats have a different way of be reading buddies than dogs. They like to rub their cheeks on the pages, leaving behind their scent. If I am reading a library book, they are smelling the cats that pressed their cheeks against the book's pages before them. They smother that cat's scent with their own so that the next cat introduced to the book will know who was there before them.

Now, I've taught my cat to shake and stand which I am endlessly proud of, but what about teaching your dog to read? That is an impressive feat that has been learned by a little dog named Willow. Willow's person writes commands on large cards and Willow follows the instructions. So if the card says sit up, Willow will sit up. She recognizes what the shapes of the words means and follows the directions. Pretty impressive!  So some dog's aren't just reading buddies, they are readers themselves.

Even though Oscar will likely never learn to read, I will always enjoy having my perfect little reading buddy! 

The Glass House

