
Small things are just naturally endearing and whimsical, especially when the small thing in question is usually a larger size. Think miniature horses compared to big horses. Big horses are majestic and proud, but small horses are magical and darling. Or doll houses. Normal houses are great and all at least for living in. But miniature doll houses are charming in the way everything in them is a tiny version of the big things we see daily. The same goes for miniature trees! It is hard to resist being charmed while wandering around the bonsai museum admiring all the little trees.

Perhaps the largest tree at the bonsai museum....more of a Christmas tree than a bonsai tree. But Christmas trees too are basically miniature tree and this is like one facet of their charm (being covered with twinkling lights and festive ornaments another.)

A little green house for the little trees that need to stay warm.

This looks like a tree that would belong in a fairy village and it would be considered the sacred tree of ancient magic.

This tree looks like the perfect tree to hang a swing in that branch that is leaning down...if only it were not so small...

The large trees in the background mock all the tiny trees with their gigantic size. They say, this could have been you.....

But maybe the little trees feel proud in their size. They are small but mighty. They are little but still carry the strength and majesty of the largest trees out there.

If you were a tiny person wandering in a small forest, this tree would be the one you'd want to stop under during a rain storm.

This tree looks like it is tiny ghosts!

This tree needs a little tree house.

This tree looks like it could grow some miniature fruit to bake in a miniature pie.

This tree almost looks like it is dancing, the way the root is making a toe curl and the branch looks like an arm striking a pose, and the way it is leaning to the side a bit, in mid sway.

More than just a miniature tree....a miniature forest!

 Ahh! Two giants wandering amongst the trees!


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The Heron Rookery