The Heron Rookery

The first time I went to the Heron Rookery, it was a truly magical experience. I was at home on a day off, and I had the urge to smell the sea. I love the ocean and sometimes just a whiff of salty, briny sea air is so refreshing. Living in Seattle, I don't get to see the sea but I do get to smell it. Our Puget Sound water is sea water after all. I lived in Ballard at the time and was walking distance from the Ballard locks. The Locks separate the fresh water of Lake Union with the salt water of the sound. Boats travel from fresh to salt water going through the Locks.

Off I went on my sea air adventure. As I explored the locks, I went to a part of the locks I had never been before. I walked up a little trail into a clearing surrounded by trees. When I looked up, I saw the most amazing sight. There were so many Great Blue Herons up in the trees, perched on branches, sitting in nests. It was a Heron Rookery. I couldn't believe I gone to the locks several times and never knew about the rookery.

After the discovery of this magical place, I visited frequently, observing the majesty of the herons.

On my frequent trips to the heron rookery, I often saw the same man. He was a homeless man who I think lived in the rookery. I think he chose the rookery as his home because he ordained himself as the protector of the herons. Maybe at night time when no one was around the herons swooped down from their nests and joined the man. Or maybe at night he turned into a heron and joined the birds in their trees. 

During one of my visits, I saw a sign advertising a birthday party for the baby herons. I knew I had to go! When I went, I felt like I was around my people- animal people! The people hosting the party had binoculars set up on tripods that we all waited in line too look through so we could observe the baby herons. There was one woman who paused her revery for the herons to enjoy revery for a fluttering butterfly. She was kneeling down and observing the butterfly as it fluttered over a patch of grass daisies. I just love being around people who have awe and wonderment for our marvelous animal kind. Awe and wonderment is definitely what I experience when I am at the heron rookery.

For anyone living or visiting Seattle, the heron rookery really is one of the most beautiful, breathtaking sites of Seattle. It feels like such a privilege to be able to be immersed in the herons world for a moment. 



Dreamy Alki