Oscar the Cat

It took a very long time for my cat Wendel to warm up to newer arrival to the family Oscar, but it happened eventually!

I was pretty thrilled the first time I saw them calmly chilling together. It had finally happened! After Oscar's early escapades of chasing Wendel, I couldn't blame him if he never trusted Oscar. It's hard to sway that chase instinct in a terrier mix like Oscar. He is a sweet natured pup, but an animal running just sets his heart a-flutter with excitement and he too must run, and chase! Luckily, this only happened a couple of times, but Wendel did not easily forget.

But then, one day, Wendel decided to let bygones be bygones. Oscar was very happy when this day happened. He is always ready fro a new friend. Now, Oscar sometimes even thinks he is a cat. He took to sitting on the back of the couch the way cats do.

Just three cats chillin' together.

A lot of times bringing a new dog into a either home can cause stress for the cats that already live there. There are ways to mitigate the stress though.

1. Create an environment for the cats that feels safe now that they have a new family member roaming their territory.
       -Use feliway! There is feliway plugs and spray. Feliway mimics a cat calming hormone and works to calm many cats. It definitely has worked for my cat Mue Mue.
       - Make sure there are safe places up high where cats can escape to like a tall cat tree or shelves for the cats.
       -If possible, have a room that is just for the cats.

2. Be strategic about introductions.
      -At first, the animals should be separated in different room so they can get use to each others sounds and smells. You can give them blankets from each other so they can each understand the other animal better.
      - When ready for an introduction, keep the dog leashed. Watch as the animals feel each other out. If either animal is showing fear or aggression, separate again and try introductions later.
      - Always monitor the animals during early introductions to make sure animals are comfortable.

Here is a great article from the humane society about introducing dogs and cats: Introducing Dogs to Cats.


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