The Life of Plants in the Pacific Northwest

The colors of the Pacific Northwest are green and gray. Other colors that decide to join in with the green and gray look even brighter and more vibrant. Flowers take on a different sort of life amongst all that green and gray.  

There are woods all over the place in the Pacific Northwest. The trees reach upward. The floor is green with moss and ferns. The woods are magical and deep and dark and beckoning you with promises of adventure. 

All the plants just mesh and bundle and blur and huddle together so it's hard to decide which one to really look at first. The Pacific Northwest is a perfect place to be a plant.

Every thing is glossy with rain in the Pacific Northwest. Leaves glisten and shine under a sheen coat of rainwater.

Sunlight may be restricted during certain times of the year, but the plants still thrive under the constant moisture and the nutrient rich soil. Buds bloom sturdy and strong and ready to erupt into some sort of glorious flower. 

The forest is a place to make a fort and mark it with a flag. Even if your fort is just a tree to lean against, every fort needs a flag and every forest needs a fort.

Sometimes flowers take on the most peculiar shapes in the Pacific Northwest. Plants sometimes have to get creative when they live in a forest and all their sunlight is hiding above a canopy of leaves and behind a sheet of gray clouds.

Sometimes plants find their way to the Pacific Northwest that don't really belong. The bamboo was never meant to live among the rainy forests, but still they thrive and grow.

A mish mash of many ferns because ferns do well in this sort of rain drenched landscape.

Even the forest ground can be home to prim and proper little flower clusters.

This pink petaled path must lead somewhere magical. But when in a forest, everything is magical in it's way. 

This beautiful mossy pond looks like the perfect setting for a story.

In the Pacific Northwest, there are plants everywhere and they all collaborate to create beautiful forests or gardens or blasts of nature.

Life is good for plants in the Pacific Northwest where they can just grow and be merry. 

Oscar the Cat


The Heron on the Roof