Kubota Gardens

One of the gardens in the top ten gardens of Washington has to be Kubota gardens in South Seattle. Kubota garden was started in 1907 by a Japanese immigrant Fujitaro Kubota. He created a beautiful garden that inspired the city. He also contributed to other Japanese gardens in the Seattle area. During World War II, Kubota was sent to an internment camp in Idaho. Kubota contributed greatly to his adopted city by creating beauty and bringing a bit of his own culture to his new land. But this didn't matter to the racist administration that condoned the internment camps. Japanese Internment is now a very shameful part of our history, and once again we are living through times which bring shame to our country now and in the future. The way immigrants are being treated and detained now is a travesty and I hope things will change soon. 

Now, let's celebrate the contributions of an immigrant and an American, Fujitaro Kubota, who brought beauty to the city of Seattle through plants!


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