Free Range Rabbits

As mentioned in the previous post, wild bunnies roam free in the Seattle area. But there is a house near where I live that have a herd of little pet bunnies that hop merrily and freely around their yard. I was excited when I saw them for the first time, as was Oscar. This same house has what looks like turkeys wondering free now too. The bunnies hop from the house they live in to the neighbors house where they eat their plants. The neighbors are probably not as charmed by the bunnies. 

Rabbits are sweet animals but they can also be feisty. I've met rabbits that growl and punch with their little paws. It just teaches you to never under estimate something or someone because they are little and cute.

It is interesting that rabbits evolved to hop instead of walk. This is probably a little bit what leads everyone to think they are all innocence and cuteness. Hopping is such a cute way to traverse the world. Not to mention their cute oversized ears! If rabbits didn't exist, and someone described them to you, we'd all think they were quite imaginative. 

Book Review: 'Big Sky' by Kate Atkinson


Kubota Gardens