The Mulligan Sisters Travel the Countryside

The Mulligan Sisters decided they had enough time in the cozy comfort of their home. They were beckoned by the allure of nature to set forth to explore the country side.

The children came across a squirrel munching on an acorn. So the sisters bent down low and wiggled their noses and pretended they were squirrels too. They saw lovely wildflowers swaying in the gentle country breeze. The children stood up tall and swayed back and forth and waved their arms like petal wiggling in wind ripples. They saw butterflies dancing and darting around and a fuzzy caterpillar nearby, waiting to become a butterfly herself. The children danced and dashed in circles, flapping their arms like mighty yet dainty butterfly wings. They imagined they were traversing the country as two beautiful and curious butterflies.


Little Growths


Frances Learns to Float