More Collected Flora

Here's some more pressed flora from my collection.

I've been listening to a new podcast lately called 'Filmspotting' in which two hosts rant and rave about various movies. The two hosts are are opinionated and passionate about movies, which are two very important qualifications when talking about any subject. They don't always agree with each other (or me) but they are always articulate and convincing with their opinion. The format is that the hosts talk about two different movies in the beginning of the podcast and then at the end they give a top five list on a various subject such as 'heist films' or 'revenge films.' I really like it but it makes me wish that someone would make a 'bookspotting' podcast, following the same format except, as the name suggests, the hosts would talk about books. I love podcasts and am so glad they were invented. It is especially exciting finding out about a new (to me) and interesting podcast. I like to listen to a bunch of podcast episodes in a row. Another thing that I like about 'Filmspotting' is that I have been learning about new movies to watch. I just watched the movie 'His Girl Friday' because it was mentioned on filmspotting. There is a certain clever charm that is more prevalent in old black and white movies, including 'His Girl Friday.' And that Carey Grant is always so dapper!

Pumpkin Muffins


Gertrude Rides Upon the Whale as He Speaks Of All the Shells He's Seen