Fall Foliage Festival Part Three: The Conservatory!

I love glass plant conservatories. They are so peaceful. The Rhododendron Species Botanical Garden in Federal Way has its own conservatory that I visited when I was there for the Fall Foliage Festival!

It was a dreary, gloomy day during the visit. Luckily, I love dreary, gloomy days! The gray of the sky just makes the vibrancy of the colorful plants all the more breathtaking.

The greens of the inside of the conservatory and the blasts of yellow and orange of the outside made a striking juxtaposition.....a collision between two worlds. One a world of nature and the whims of season change, the other, a place where the environment can be carefully controlled and seasons can be outsmarted!

On the inside, the windows were blurry with steam. On the outside, the windows had drops of rain smearing streaks down the glass. I like visiting conservatories the best when it is raining because they feel so cozy inside. I just want to find a spot to sit and read all day! My body nestled among plants, while my mind is nestled among words...it sounds like the perfect combination!

Conservatories were really popular back in England in the Victorian Era. Victorian people seemed very fascinated with nature and nature hobbies. Maybe because the world was taking a drastic turn toward being more and more manipulated by human hands with the onslaught of greater industrial growth and technological advances.

Fancy Victorian people would have tea parties in conservatoires. It seems like a perfect place for afternoon tea! Especially in England where it is rainy often. Maybe the next time I visit here, I'll have to smuggle in a mug of tea and have an impromptu tea party. 

Color Creature


Spooky Scenes from the Aquarium