Being A Local Tourist in Seattle

Before I moved to Seattle, my family and I visited here when I was a seventh grader, unaware that my path in life would bring me to the Seattle area to live. One of the tourist things we did was to visit the Space Needle. The Space Needle of course is one of the most iconic places in Seattle. The funny thing is that I haven't been back once in the entire 11 years I have leaved in the Seattle area.

That seems to be how it often is. If you live in a place, you have forever to go and visit the places that tourists flock to, so it ends up not happening. Since living here though, there are plenty of fun tourist things I have done.

One Seattle tourist activity I do a lot is wander Pikes Place and the waterfront. It is great for people watching and for sight seeing. Recently, my friend and I checked out the extension to Pikes Place and I took lots of pictures. We also wandered to the waterfront, which is also being changed and renovated. That is where the carousel and wooden human sculptures are.

Besides Pikes Place, I have other 'local-tourist' activities I like doing. Here are some of my favorites!

Here are some Seattle tourist spots that I have not been to yet but want to go!
  • Columbia Tower- The view from the top is suppose to be amazing!
  • Wing Luke Museum-I am not really sure how I haven't been here yet.
  • Kubota Gardens- I tried to go here once but it was super crowded with a wedding party so I left to leave it for a less chaotic day. 

Quarter-Life Poems: Flying North


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